


许多大企业在过去20年来,均曾试图寻找进入中国市场的契机,但极少数能像默多克(Rupert Murdoch)的新闻集团(News Corporation)这样对中国市场热切又坚定的。(chinesenewsnet.com)


报导指出,默多克与中国官员的接触频繁,他旗下的福克斯新闻网(Fox News)还曾协助国家广播网建立新闻网页,默多克也曾给予中国共青团电视资讯方面的指导。(chinesenewsnet.com)

默多克的第三任妻子邓文迪,曾在默多克其下的香港卫星广播网Star TV工作。邓文迪目前的角色便是管理投资与处理中国方面的事务,不过,在76岁的默多克退休或逝世后,此家族企业新闻集团该如何继续,却是一个待解决的问题。(chinesenewsnet.com)







新闻集团在电视与电影方面的对手如华特迪士尼公司(The Walt Disney Company)、维雅康姆(Viacom)、时代华纳(Time Warner)等,也试图将经费投入中国市场,希望取得一张当地的通行证。(chinesenewsnet.com)


在新闻集团中负责政府关系的H. S. Liu指出:“中国发现新闻集团是个真正的国王,掌控每一件事……他的对手有的则是巨大的官僚组织。”(chinesenewsnet.com)



1996年,邓文迪在默多克的Star TV里实习,隔年,她遇到了默多克。(chinesenewsnet.com)

默多克在中国的热切经营,还可从几件事情中看出端倪。2001年,新闻集团封杀了末代港督彭定康所写的一篇文章,理由是该文描述一位中Gong外交人员和脱衣舞俱乐部之间的关系,被断定将影响默多克在中国的前途,因此,默多克也拒绝出版彭定康的《Eastand West》一书,因为书内对中Gong多所批评。(chinesenewsnet.com)


此外,Star TV也配合中国的口味来调整节目内容。1994年,Star TV撤下了英国广播公司BBC的新闻,理由是BBC的新闻不断播放一名在天anmen广场前、躺在tanke车下的青年画面,让中国政府感到气愤。(chinesenewsnet.com)





在合作计画下,刘长乐掌控的今日亚洲和默多克旗下的Star TV在新组建的凤凰卫视中各持股45%,余下的10%由华颖国际广告公司所有;显然看好中国传媒市场的默多克希望借与刘长乐共同成立的凤凰卫视做管道,打入中国内地市场。(chinesenewsnet.com)


直至2006年6月,本与今日亚洲并列为第一大股东的Star TV,做出减持股份的决定,之后Star TV将以17.6%的持股退居第三席,今日亚洲则以37.5%的持股成为凤凰卫视的单一最大股东。Star TV将凤凰卫视19.9%的股权出售给中移动。(chinesenewsnet.com)







1999年3月,新闻集团北京代表处成立,2000年,Star TV在上海设立代表处,成为首家获准在沪设立代表处的境外传媒公司。2000年5月,默多克任命他的二儿子杰智(James Murdoch)为Star TV的总裁,他本人每年至少前往中国考察两次,显示出默多克对中国市场的重视。(chinesenewsnet.com)


2002年,Star TV通过广东有线电视网正式开播。虽然据新闻集团2005年的年报显示,Star TV视吸引了超过820万的用户,创该台历史最高,但由于广东当地电视台在节目上插播自己的广告等因素,Star TV的盈利状况始终不佳,且新闻集团的掌控范围只有9个频道,除了被获准在广东省全面落地,其他绝大部分频道都被局限于在三星级以上宾馆与涉外小区内播放,默多克想要更多。(chinesenewsnet.com)


但这位传媒大亨并未放弃,2006年11月,默多克分别拜会了北京奥组委主席刘淇与中 宣部部长刘云山,表明为2008年北京奥运会宣传作贡献的愿望。(chinesenewsnet.com)

此外,默多克还投身手机事业。同年11月,默多克出现在Star TV与中国移动在京举办的新闻发布会现场,与中移动董事长王建宙一同现身。这次两人是为了宣布共同推出“[V]无线原创音乐平台”而来。(chinesenewsnet.com)

此平台建立于中国移动的移动梦网上,提供2.87亿的中国移动用户直接通过手机下载歌曲,并投票选出自己最喜爱的作品,而优秀的作品将被拍摄成专业MV,并在Channel[V]、Star TV及全国多家电视频道播出。(chinesenewsnet.com)


Murdoch’s Dealings in China: It’s Business, and It’s Personal

Published: June 26, 2007

BEIJING, June 25 — Many big companies have sought to break into the Chinese market over the past two decades, but few of them have been as ardent and unrelenting as Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation.
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Chris Pizzello/Reuters

Rupert and Wendi Murdoch at a Hollywood party in February.
The Murdochracy
Ventures in China
Murdoch, Ruler of a Vast Empire, Reaches Out for Even More (June 25, 2007)
Times Topics: Rupert Murdoch
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Doug Kanter/Bloomberg News

A receptionist at the News Corporation’s offices in Beijing. Television channels affiliated with Rupert Murdoch beam more programming into China than any other foreign media group.

Mr. Murdoch has flattered Communist Party leaders and done business with their children. His Fox News network helped China’s leading state broadcaster develop a news Web site. He joined hands with the Communist Youth League, a power base in the ruling party, in a risky television venture, his China managers and advisers say.

Mr. Murdoch’s third wife, Wendi, is a mainland Chinese who once worked for his Hong Kong-based satellite broadcaster, Star TV. Her role in managing investments and honing elite connections in China has underscored uncertainties within the Murdoch family about how the family-controlled News Corporation will be run after Mr. Murdoch, 76, retires or dies.

Regulatory barriers and management missteps have thwarted Mr. Murdoch’s hopes of big profits in China. He has said his local business hit a “brick wall” after a bid to corral prime-time broadcasting rights fell apart in 2005, costing him tens of millions of dollars.

But as he seeks to buy Dow Jones, the parent company of The Wall Street Journal, his track record in China has attracted attention less because of profits and losses than for what it shows about his management style.

Mr. Murdoch cooperates closely with China’s censors and state broadcasters, several people who worked for him in China say. He cultivates political ties that he hopes will insulate his business ventures from regulatory interference, these people say.

In speeches and interviews, Mr. Murdoch often supports the policies of Chinese leaders and attacks their critics. A group of China-based reporters for The Journal accused him in a letter to Dow Jones shareholders of “sacrificing journalistic integrity to satisfy personal and political aims,” a charge the News Corporation denies.

His courtship has made him the Chinese leadership’s favorite foreign media baron. He has dined with former President Jiang Zemin in the Zhongnanhai leadership compound in Beijing and repeatedly met other members of the ruling Politburo in Beijing, New York and London. Television channels affiliated with Mr. Murdoch beam more programming into China than any other foreign media group.

“The reality is that the Chinese government is not going to let anything radical happen in media,” says Gary Davey, an Australian who once ran Star TV for Mr. Murdoch. “But we got a lot farther than anyone else did.”

News Corporation officials in Beijing and Hong Kong declined to comment for this article. After The New York Times began a two-part series on Monday about how Mr. Murdoch operates his company, the News Corporation issued a statement:

“News Corp. has consistently cooperated with The New York Times in its coverage of the company. However, the agenda for this unprecedented series is so blatantly designed to further the Times’s commercial self interests — by undermining a direct competitor poised to become an even more formidable competitor — that it would be reckless of us to participate in their malicious assault. Ironically, The Times, by using its news pages to advance its own corporate business agenda, is doing the precise thing they accuse us of doing without any evidence.”

China has never been a make-or-break proposition for the News Corporation, since its operations here represent a small part of the company, which is valued at $68 billion. But Mr. Murdoch pushed for nearly 15 years to create a satellite television network that would cover every major market in the world, including China.

He coveted the $50 billion in ad spending that flows mainly to China’s state-owned news media whose products, even after years of improvements, still reflect propaganda directives as well as consumer demand.

The News Corporation’s competitors in television and film, the Walt Disney Company, Viacom and Time Warner, also had to accommodate Chinese demands as the price of admission to the local market.

But Mr. Murdoch gave more, his associates said.

“The Chinese discovered that Rupert was a real emperor who controlled everything himself,” said H. S. Liu, who oversaw government relations for the News Corporation in China. “His rivals had big, cautious bureaucracies that could not always deliver.”

China has long meant more than business to the Murdoch clan. Mr. Murdoch’s father, Keith, wrote about China as a war correspondent in the 1930s. As a newspaper proprietor in Australia, he collected Ming dynasty porcelain.

When Rupert Murdoch visited Shanghai in 1997, Wendi Deng, then a junior News Corporation employee in Hong Kong, flew up to serve as his translator. Together they explored Shanghai, which was then emerging as a lively center of finance and commerce.
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Pool photo by Mark Terrill

Jiang Zemin, then president of China, meeting with Mr. Murdoch in 1997.
The Murdochracy
Ventures in China
Murdoch, Ruler of a Vast Empire, Reaches Out for Even More (June 25, 2007)
Times Topics: Rupert Murdoch

“He was knocked over by the place,” recalled Bruce Dover, a former China manager for Mr. Murdoch, “and by her.” Within two years, Mr. Murdoch had left his second wife, Anna Mann, and married Ms. Deng.

Clawing Back

Mr. Murdoch’s initial foray into China was disastrous. Shortly after he purchased the satellite broadcaster Star TV in Hong Kong for nearly $1 billion in 1993, he made a speech in London that enraged the Chinese leadership.

He said that modern communications technology had “proved an unambiguous threat to totalitarian regimes everywhere.” Star could beam programming to every corner of China, and Murdoch had paid a big premium for the broadcaster for that reason.

Prime Minister Li Peng promptly outlawed private ownership of satellite dishes, which had once proliferated on rooftops. Star TV faced a threat to its viability.

Chinese leaders rebuffed his attempts to apologize in person — a ban that lasted nearly four years. But he sought to placate them. One target was Deng Xiaoping, then retired but still China’s senior leader.

HarperCollins, Mr. Murdoch’s book unit, published a biography of Mr. Deng written by his daughter, Deng Rong. Although it mainly recycled propaganda about Mr. Deng, Mr. Murdoch threw an elaborate book party at Le Cirque in New York. The book sold poorly.

He also cultivated ties with Mr. Deng’s eldest son, Deng Pufang, who is disabled. Mr. Murdoch chartered a jet to ferry a troop of disabled acrobats that the younger Mr. Deng had promoted to perform abroad, according to a former News Corporation official.

Star TV overhauled its programming to suit Chinese tastes. In 1994 it dropped BBC News, which had frequently angered Chinese officials with its reports on mainland affairs.

Mr. Murdoch said the decision was made for business reasons, not political reasons. Mr. Davey, who then ran Star TV, agreed that cost was a primary consideration.

But he said he had pressed the British broadcaster to stop showing a video of a man facing down a tank outside Tiananmen Square — an indelible image from China’s crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in 1989 — during its on-air programming breaks. He said the BBC refused, calling the video a “journalistic presentation.”

“The BBC never got the sensitivities of the situation,” Mr. Davey said. “It was relentless and stupid. Neither party was too upset about ending the relationship.”

If Star was a potential threat to the one-party state, it was also a new opportunity. Chinese officials disliked Western news media coverage of China and wanted to present their own face to the world. Mr. Murdoch provided the access they wanted.

In 1996, he entered a joint venture with Liu Changle, a onetime radio host for the People’s Liberation Army who had connections with propaganda officials. Their joint news and entertainment channel, called Phoenix, beamed programs to the small number of urban households permitted to see foreign broadcasts in China. Mr. Murdoch transmitted the same programming around the world on his satellites.

Phoenix imitated the fast pace and on-the-scene reporting style popular in the West and shook up the mainland’s staid news media, which still featured well-coiffed narrators reading scripts about meetings between senior leaders held that day. But Phoenix also tended to steer clear of the most sensitive political topics and could be bombastically nationalistic.

Phoenix may have demonstrated that the Chinese news media could become more sophisticated and dynamic without threatening the party’s power. It also showed that Mr. Murdoch could be an asset.

“Officials realized he had a good intentions,” Mr. Liu said.

After Phoenix proved a hit, Ding Guangen, a hard-liner who exercised sweeping control over all Chinese news media as chief of the country’s Propaganda Department, granted Mr. Murdoch his first meeting. So did Zhu Rongji, then the prime minister.

Mr. Zhu noted that Mr. Murdoch had become an American citizen to comply with television ownership rules in the United States. He joked that if he wanted to broadcast more in China, he should consider becoming Chinese, a person who attended the meeting recalled.

Friendly Relations

The News Corporation’s outreach intensified. When Mr. Murdoch learned that China Central Television, known as CCTV, was struggling to develop a news Web site, he dispatched a team from Fox News to help design and operate one. Another News Corporation team brought People’s Daily, the mouthpiece of the Communist Party, online.

China also needed help encrypting satellite transmissions so it could develop a pay-TV service, a specialty of the News Corporation’s NDS subsidiary. NDS helped Beijing create a proprietary encryption system. It never realized sizable royalties, people who worked at the News Corporation said.
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The Murdochracy
Ventures in China
Murdoch, Ruler of a Vast Empire, Reaches Out for Even More (June 25, 2007)
Times Topics: Rupert Murdoch

Similarly, the company brought delegations of Chinese officials to Britain, so they could study how Mr. Murdoch’s BSkyB unit had become a lucrative gateway for satellite television in Europe.

“Our thinking was that we would show off our technology and they would contract News Corporation to do the same for them,” said Mr. Dover, Mr. Murdoch’s former China manager. “Their thinking was, ‘We want this for ourselves.’ ”

“It ended being more of a giveaway,” Mr. Dover said.

In late 1998, President Jiang invited Mr. Murdoch to Zhongnanhai. The official Xinhua news agency, reporting on the session, made clear that the media baron had a new reputation.

“President Jiang expressed appreciation for the efforts made by world media mogul Rupert Murdoch in presenting China objectively and cooperating with the Chinese press over the last two years,” Xinhua said.

The Murdochs often echoed the Chinese government line. In a 1999 interview with Vanity Fair, Mr. Murdoch spoke disparagingly of the Dalai Lama, whom the Chinese condemn as a separatist. “I have heard cynics who say he is a very political old monk shuffling around in Gucci shoes,” he said.

James Murdoch, who ran Star TV from 2000 to 2003, said in a speech in Los Angeles in 2001 that Western reporters in China supported “destabilizing forces” that are “very, very dangerous for the Chinese government.” He lashed out at the Falun Gong spiritual sect, which had just endured brutal repression in China, calling it “dangerous and apocalyptic.”

The Journal won a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of the suppression of the Falun Gong movement in 2001. Last month, seven China-based reporters for The Journal wrote a letter to Dow Jones’s current controlling shareholders arguing that the articles on Falun Gong “may never have seen the light of day” if The Journal had been owned by Mr. Murdoch.

News Corporation officials say such fears are baseless. While several reporters who worked in China for the company’s publications in the 1990s say Mr. Murdoch’s editors pressed them to tone down their coverage of delicate issues that could anger the Chinese leadership, reporters serving in such posts now say they have not come under similar pressures.

By the late 1990s, Mr. Murdoch was traveling several times a year to the country. He was often joined by Wendi Murdoch, who left her formal position in the company but continued to scout for investments in China and participate in strategy decisions there, several people who worked for the News Corporation said.

One of her roles: introducing her husband to Chinese entrepreneurs. Many of them had received business degrees in the United States, as she had at Yale.

The Murdochs invested about $150 million in half a dozen start-up Internet and telecom companies at the height of the Internet bubble between 1999 and 2001. Only one, Netcom, returned an appreciable investment profit, two former News Corporation executives said.

But one of the entrepreneurs the Murdochs befriended during the investment spree was Jiang Mianheng, the son of President Jiang. Ms. Murdoch and some other News Corporation employees argued internally that the younger Mr. Jiang could help Star distribute its broadcasts more widely, two former News Corporation executives said.

It is unclear what role, if any, Mr. Jiang played. But in 2002, the company became the first foreign broadcaster to receive “landing rights” to sell programs to cable systems in Guangdong Province, near Hong Kong.

The license came with a catch. The News Corporation again consented to transmit Chinese programs — this time, the English-language news, talk shows and cultural shows on CCTV’s Channel 9 — to the United States and Britain. Time Warner later agreed to similar terms. But the market appeared to be opening, with the News Corporation in the lead.

Prime Time

The News Corporation and its joint venture partners controlled 9 of the 31 foreign channels, including news, movies, music videos and sports, more than any other foreign media company. Officially, however, it could still reach only government and foreign compounds and luxury hotels, as well as homes in Guangdong. Mr. Murdoch wanted more.

Good news appeared to come in 2004. The authorities began allowing Chinese-foreign joint ventures to produce shows that could be broadcast locally without the restrictions that apply to overseas content.
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The Murdochracy
Ventures in China
Murdoch, Ruler of a Vast Empire, Reaches Out for Even More (June 25, 2007)
Times Topics: Rupert Murdoch

Mr. Murdoch interpreted the order liberally. The News Corporation allied itself with a state-run broadcaster in the western province of Qinghai. The arrangement covered not only production but also distribution. Through middlemen, the News Corporation also purchased prime-time slots in 25 Chinese provinces. It had become a backdoor national broadcaster.

Aware that the venture pushed the limits of what regulators allowed, the News Corporation sought to arrange political cover, people involved in arranging the deal said. It recruited a media and stock market entrepreneur named Ding Yuchen to join the venture as a partner. Mr. Ding’s father, Ding Guangen, was the longtime propaganda chief. A second partner was the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, considered the political power base of China’s new top leader, Hu Jintao.

In comments to News Corporation investors in early 2005, Mr. Murdoch boasted of a “new venture,” which he did not name, “where we’ll have nearly 50 percent of a prime-time channel, which will have access to well over 100 million homes.”

It did not endure. The News Corporation used Qinghai to broadcast branded shows it had produced for its own, more limited channel. When they began appearing nationally, competitors complained that Mr. Murdoch was getting special treatment.

The Propaganda Department forced the News Corporation to end its involvement with Qinghai shortly thereafter. The cost of the debacle: between $30 million and $60 million, people connected to the company at the time said.

News Corporation executives said they felt the political winds had shifted against them. President Jiang, who retired from his final post as military chief in 2004, had lost much of his day-to-day influence. President Hu’s propaganda team pulled in the reins. Mr. Murdoch said publicly that he had hit a “brick wall.”

Mr. Liu, Mr. Murdoch’s partner at Phoenix, said the Qinghai venture “is not something I would have tried” because it ran afoul of media regulations. But he said Mr. Murdoch had not lost the good will of senior officials. “They still recognize his contributions,” he said.

When Mr. Murdoch visited China late last year, he met Liu Yunshan, Mr. Ding’s successor as propaganda chief, and Liu Qi, the party secretary of Beijing and the top coordinator for the 2008 Olympics.

The News Corporation also entered an alliance with China Mobile, the state-owned company that is the world’s largest mobile communications operator. Mr. Liu of Phoenix said the move “could open a new, lucrative highway” to provide media content to China’s 480 million mobile-phone users.

Wendi Murdoch has stepped up her role in China. She plotted a strategy for the News Corporation’s social networking site, MySpace, to enter the Chinese market, people involved with the company said. The News Corporation decided to license the MySpace name to a local consortium of investors organized by Ms. Murdoch.

As a local venture, MySpace China, which began operations in the spring, abides by domestic censorship laws and the “self discipline” regime that governs proprietors of Chinese Web sites. Every page on the site has a link allowing users or monitors to “report inappropriate information” to the authorities. Microsoft, Google and Yahoo have made similar accommodations for their Web sites in China.

The Murdochs will soon be able to call Beijing home. Workers have nearly finished renovating their traditional courtyard-style house in Beijing’s exclusive Beichizi district, a block from the Forbidden City. Beneath the steep-pitched roofs and wooden eaves of freshly coated vermillion and gold, the courtyard has an underground swimming pool and billiard room, according to people who have seen the design.

Plainclothes security officers linger on the street outside. One neighbor is the retired prime minister, Mr. Zhu, who invited Mr. Murdoch to become Chinese.





























The World
My Time as a Hostage, and I’m a Business Reporter

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Published: June 24, 2007

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Jillian Tamaki

AS an American journalist based in China, I knew there was a good chance that at some point I’d be detained for pursuing a story. I just never thought I’d be held hostage by a toy factory.

That’s what happened last Monday, when for nine hours I was held, along with a translator and a photographer, by the suppliers of the popular Thomas & Friends toy rail sets.

“You’ve intruded on our property,” one factory boss shouted at me. “Tell me, what exactly is the purpose of this visit?” When I answered that I had come to meet the maker of a toy that had recently been recalled in the United States because it contained lead paint, he suggested I was really a commercial spy intent on stealing the secrets to the factory’s toy manufacturing process.

“How do I know you’re really from The New York Times?” he said. “Anyone can fake a name card.”

Thus began our interrogation, which was followed by hours of negotiations, the partial closing of the factory complex and the arrival of several police cars, a handful of helmet-wearing security officers and some government officials, all trying to free an American journalist and his colleagues from a toy factory.

Factory bosses, I would discover, can overrule the police, and Chinese government officials are not as powerful as you might suspect in a country addicted to foreign investment.

I shouldn’t have been surprised by the reception. The last time I arrived at a factory under suspicion for selling contaminated goods (toothpaste), they quickly locked the gate and ran. A month earlier, I walked into the headquarters of a company that sold tainted pet food to the United States, and the receptionist insisted the owner was not in. When my translator called the owner, we heard his cellphone ring in the adjoining room. I peeked in and saw the boss scamper out the backdoor.

For American journalists, there’s a tradition of showing up at a crime scene, or visiting a place that has made news. But in China, where press freedoms are weak, such visits can be dangerous.

Last year, a young man working for a Chinese newspaper was beaten to death after he tried to meet the owners of an illegal coal mine. Local officials later insisted he was trying to extort money.

My colleagues at The Times have been detained several times. And one of our Chinese research assistants is now serving a three-year prison term for fraud. He originally had been accused of passing state secrets to The Times, a charge this paper has denied.

But life in China is generally much easier for business reporters like me. Usually, I’m welcomed at factories. State-owned companies often treat me like a visiting dignitary. I’m seated in a kind of royal chair next to the chairman. We drink tea and the chairman makes welcoming remarks while the company’s official photographer snaps our picture.

On the walls of many of the factories I visit are portraits of the powerful: Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and others whose images signal to anyone visiting that a factory is “connected” and has the blessing of the Communist Party.

But my toy factory visit made me wonder: who really holds the balance of the power in that relationship these days?

Many experts have told me that one of the most serious problems in China is that the government lacks the power to control the nation’s Wild West entrepreneurs, deal makers and connected factory owners.

Bribery is rampant, and government corruption widespread. Just a few weeks ago, the top food and drug regulator was sentenced to death for taking huge bribes from pharmaceutical companies. But it’s not clear that strong messages like that will stop the anarchy.

“China effectively has no oversight over anything,” said Oded Shenkar, a business professor at Ohio State University and author of “The Chinese Century: The Rising Chinese Economy and Its Impact on the Global Economy, the Balance of Power and Your Job.”

“People have this idea they are Big Brother and everyone is under watch,” Mr. Shenkar said. “But this is not China. In China, local authorities often turn a blind eye to problems because maybe they’re invested in it.”

Indeed, the impotence of local officials was clear to me from my visit to the RC2 Industrial Park in the city of Dongguan, which is thought to be the largest toy manufacturing center in the world.

The private plant is the main supplier to the RC2 Corporation, an Illinois company. And the Hong Kong or Chinese entrepreneurs who run the facility seemed to hold great sway over the government.

We had no problem entering the complex or looking around until we met “Mr. Zhong,” a rough-looking factory complex supervisor. He scolded us for entering the grounds and taking photographs, and then invited us to a small villa on the campus, a stylish house filled with luxurious rooms, black leather chairs, a giant-screen TV, a huge stock of Cuban cigars, even a massage parlor.

This would be our prison. (Business correspondents are a more fortunate breed than war reporters.) Mr. Zhong offered an interview and a tour. But he later changed his mind and issued an ultimatum: hand over the pictures or we call the police.

Confident we had signed in properly with the security guards, who had allowed us onto the campus, we opted for the police. After over an hour, the police failed to show up, and we tried to leave, only to be nearly tackled by the factory’s ragtag army of security officers.

My translator then called the police.

The scene was farcical. We were locked inside the factory gate, surrounded by 16 security guards and 4 or 5 factory bosses. All trucks trying to bring supplies in or out of the complex were rerouted. Inside, large crowds of factory workers in blue uniforms were gawking. A crowd had also gathered outside the gates.

The police arrived an hour later, listened to both sides and then stood around. More police officers came. And more police officers stood around. It was clear they had no power to intervene.

So we called government officials, who suggested other government officials, who offered up more.

Finally, after hours of waiting, a higher-level government official arrived to settle the dispute.

He was a friendly man who admitted that he could not release us, that he didn’t have the power. We should negotiate, he said. For the next five hours, he shuttled between rooms in the villa trying to negotiate a settlement. There were shouting matches. There were demands that pictures be turned over.

After hours of squabbling, Mr. Zhong demanded we write a confession saying we had trespassed. He settled for a few sentences explaining why I had come and that I had not asked his permission to take any pictures.

The fight between government and factory during our detainment seemed to underscore the dysfunctional relationship the Chinese government has with industry.

In the endless back and forth, it was apparent that the government I often imagined as being all powerful and all seeing could be powerless and conflicted when it came to local businessmen and factory owners.

When we were released early Tuesday from a local police station, where we were sent to fill out a report, we noticed that while our translator was giving an account of the day to the police, the factory bosses were laughing and dining in another room, making the nexus of power in these parts and in this age ever more clear.


1995年来首次 纽约时报华尔街日报纷涨价


 此外,道琼斯公司(Dow Jones & Co.)也宣布调高《华尔街日报》的价格,并由目前的1美元升到1.5美元。《华尔街日报》的新价格标准也将于7月16日执行。
 纽约时报执行长罗宾森(Janet Robinson)在全美报协(Newspaper Association of America)会议中对投资人表示,调高订价将使该报今年多增加700-800万美元收入,同时每年也将可增加1400至1600万美元。马修斯表示,报纸上一次的全国性调涨是在1995年。
 blog it















2007年06月14日11:16英 | 大 | 中 | 小
控股道琼斯公司(Dow Jones & Co.)的班克罗夫特(Bancroft)家族正在考虑新闻集团提出的收购方案,为了在达成交易的情况下保证道琼斯旗舰产品《华尔街日报》的编辑独立性,他们正在修改一份回应方案。不过,据知情人士透露,从方案中可能包含的某些条款看,双方离达成共识仍有距离。


• 特别报导: 新闻集团收购道琼斯
班克罗夫特家族曾表示,只有先就《华尔街日报》的独立性达成协议,他们才会继续与鲁珀特•默多克(Rupert Murdoch)旗下的新闻集团继续谈判。

上述知情人士透露,班克罗夫特家族提出的方案与新闻集团1981年初收购《泰晤士报》(the Times)及《星期日泰晤士报》(Sunday Times)所实行的结构有所不同。很多人认为,那时所采用的架构在防止默多克干预报纸编辑事务方面不是很有效。







Sarah Ellison




  新浪科技讯 北京时间6月7日消息,据国外媒体报道,根据美国互联网广告署和普华永道联合公布的最新数据,2007年第一季度美国网络广告营收同比增长26%,达到创纪录的49亿美元。

  随着广告客户将越来越多的广告预算由传统媒体转向互联网,美国网络广告市场最近几年一直稳步增长。美国互联网广告署总裁兼CEO兰达尔·罗森伯格(Randall Rothenberg)在声明中称:“从美国网络广告营收持续增长可以看出,广告客户对于互联网媒体越来越有信心。”得益于一系列收购和并购交易,互联网广告领域最近几个月吸引了业界的高度关注。

  今年5月,微软宣布将以60亿美元收购网络广告公司aQuantive;同样在5月,世界第二大广告公司WPP集团宣布将以6.49亿美元收购网络广告公司Real Media;今年4月,谷歌宣布将以31亿美元收购网络广告公司Doubleclick。分析人士预计,随着宽带网络的普及,以及更多服务转到互联网上进行,网络广告市场未来将继续高速增长。

  普华永道董事皮特·佩特鲁斯基(Peter Petrusky)表示:“随着宽带用户人数持续增加,网络广告营收也将水涨船高。也就是说,将有更多用户花费更多时间在互联网上,而且互联网将成为一个富媒体和视频广告平台。”(摩尔)

顶住网络冲击 报纸发行上升


出处:新华网 | 2007-6-4 10:18:35

  新华报业网讯  当今时代,纸质媒体受到因特网强烈冲击。但世界报业协会3日说,全球报纸去年发行量上升2.3%,每天超过5.15亿人买报,而读报人口估计超过14亿。


















作者:丁潇 | 出处:搜狐 | 2007-3-20 13:24:20 | 阅读 1578 次


  随着互联网的快速发展,以数字技术为基础的新媒体影响力不断增强,对传统媒体的冲击也越来越大。近年来,报纸广告增长逐年下滑,2006年我国报纸广告额为705余亿元,同比增长仅7.32%,仍持续着自2004年以来的连年低增长。然而,互联网广告却增长迅速,2006年的增幅达到了50.91%。目前,传统媒体与新媒体的融合趋势已经成为学界和业界的共识。去年新闻出版总署报刊司启动了“中国数字报业实验室计划”,解放日报等 18家报业集团和报社及3家相关产业单位成为中国数字报业实验室的首批理事会成员。




Dow Jones, Murdoch and an Enticing ‘Kiss

Published: June 3, 2007
FOR many people, especially shareholders, money often makes the bitterest of medicines easier to swallow. So too for the Bancroft family, it would seem.

Late last week the Bancrofts, who control Dow Jones & Company, said they would consider selling the company to Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation. At $60 a share, Mr. Murdoch’s bid is so generous that it apparently overwhelmed even family members who think of him as the Dr. Evil of journalism.

“You may love your house, but if someone offers you twice what it’s worth, you have to at least listen to the offer — no matter how much you like or dislike the buyer,” one family member told me, refusing to be identified because the family has agreed not to speak publicly.

The next hurdle in the negotiations, though, is going to have very little to do with money. The Bancroft family is planning to sit down with Mr. Murdoch and his family tomorrow to discuss how he plans to protect the editorial independence of The Wall Street Journal, according to people briefed on the meeting.

In the mergers-and-acquisitions game, this is what bankers like to call negotiating over “social issues,” which often prove more pivotal in the late stages of a deal than mere dollars and cents.

So here’s the playbook: Mr. Murdoch has already offered up the prospect of creating “an independent, autonomous editorial board exactly along the lines of what was established at The Times of London” — ostensibly to protect The Journal from his penchant for meddling.

That sounds nice, but the Bancrofts are going to want a board that acts like a cop on the beat and is able to withstand any efforts by Mr. Murdoch to become a puppeteer. After all, as Harold Evans, the former editor of The Times of London, wrote in his book, “Good Times, Bad Times,” he once challenged Mr. Murdoch about violating his pledge of editorial autonomy. And what, according to Mr. Evans, was Mr. Murdoch’s reply about that promise? “They’re not worth the paper they’re written on."

The Bancrofts are expected to raise the possibility of structuring any sale so that it resembles Thomson’s recent acquisition of Reuters, people close to the family said. In that transaction, Thomson will maintain a board of independent outside trustees. That board will oversee both the editorial integrity of its news products and play a role in business affairs (including having the ability to block a takeover and influence the company’s corporate board.)

Advisers are toying with a possible mechanism that might keep Mr. Murdoch from getting too much ink on his fingers, according to people involved in the talks. He and his executives could pledge that they would have no interaction with the newsroom without being chaperoned by an ombudsman, who could also write in the pages of The Journal if Mr. Murdoch or anyone from the News Corporation tried to influence news coverage. It may sound silly and perhaps a bit overboard, but it would go a long way toward assuring the Bancrofts — and maybe even the public — about Mr. Murdoch’s pledge to be truly hands-off.

Peter A. Chernin, the president of the News Corporation, said at a conference sponsored by The Journal on Wednesday that “it’s easy and glib and fun to sort of point to Page Six and say we want to Page Six-ify The Wall Street Journal.” But, he said, “the notion that we want to somehow buy it to change it is completely counterintuitive.” Mr. Chenin contended that the reason the News Corporation is willing to pay such a high premium for Dow Jones is that it values the paper’s editorial integrity.

MR. MURDOCH clearly wants Dow Jones, and he is likely to be willing to jump through any number of hoops to get it, a fact that the Bancrofts can leverage to their advantage. But the family can’t impose so many conditions that it would be impossible for the News Corporation to run Dow Jones as it sees fit — a prospect that could cause Mr. Murdoch to walk away.

If the family and Mr. Murdoch can resolve outstanding “social issues,” then negotiations will return to haggling over the price of the takeover. While the Bancrofts have said they are open to other bidders, and may want to ignite a bidding war, let’s be honest: It is unlikely any economically rational company or individual can top Mr. Murdoch’s offer.

That doesn’t mean he won’t have to raise his bid, however. “You have to tip the waiter,” is an old phrase among Wall Street bankers and lawyers, and a sweetened offer may be necessary to win over the family. Sometimes an 11th-hour increase in a bid is called a “kiss.” And it’s now quite clear that the Bancrofts have moved away from spurning Mr. Murdoch’s advances and may be wetting their lips.




任悦认为,媒体网站更多多媒体手段的使用,“还只是后端上的融合,也就是通过编辑将信息整合而实现的融合。后端的编辑需要一定会推演到前端的生产者,可以预见的一个趋势就是,未来在新闻信息采集的时候也需要用媒介融合的思路去报道新闻。那么也可以推导出这样一个公式,传统的摄影记者+视频报道的学习+文字报道能力=不可替代的新闻人才。 ”










新闻集团(News Corp.)和道琼斯公司(Dow Jones & Co.)代表周一将举行会议。了解新闻集团内情的人士周日透露,为了收购道琼斯公司,新闻集团将在加强道琼斯公司新闻独立性问题上做出部分让步。但新闻集团董事长兼首席执行长鲁珀特•默多克(Rupert Murdoch)上周五接受采访时曾明确表示,不会同意道琼斯公司股东班克罗夫特(Bancroft)家族的核心条件。班氏家族提出,如果实现收购,为了维护道琼斯公司的新闻独立性,将成立一个继续由班氏家族控制的编辑管理董事会。


周一,鲁珀特•默多克和他的次子、新闻集团子公司英国天空广播公司(British Sky Broadcasting)首席执行长詹姆斯•默多克(James Murdoch)将与班氏家族3名成员会晤。道琼斯公司及其核心产品《华尔街日报》的新闻独立性问题将成为会议的重点议题。自从新闻集团4月份以每股60美元、总值50亿美元的价格提出收购道琼斯公司以来,这将是双方的首次会面。班克罗夫特大多数成员初时表示没有出售道琼斯公司的意愿,但上周四立场有所转变,表示愿意和新闻集团接触,同时也会考虑其他潜在的买家。默多克之所以保证维护道琼斯公司的新闻独立性是为了说服班氏家族,出售公司并不意味着对该家族世代追求的新闻企业的职业操守的背叛。一些家族成员明确表示,他们并不赞同默多克经营报业的做法;他们考虑出售道琼斯只是因为觉得道琼斯需要联盟才能更加有效的运作,而目前还没有第三方与默多克展开竞购。默多克建议,模仿他1981年收购《泰晤士报》(Times)和《星期日泰晤士报》(Sunday Times)时的做法,建立一个独立董事会以确保报纸的新闻独立性。独立董事会的职责包括编辑的任命。但很多批评人士指出独立董事会效率并不高,无法阻止默多克将他不喜欢的编辑挤走。最有名的就是1982年的哈诺德•埃文斯(Harold Evans)。

知情人士透露,班氏家族并不打算复制《泰晤士报》式的独立董事会。默多克及其收购顾问JP摩根(JPMorgan)、Centerview Partners和世达美国法律事务所(Skadden Arps)都日益认识到,《泰晤士报》式的安排还不足以说服班氏家族出售道琼斯。

据熟悉新闻集团内情的人透露,可能会建议建立一个路透集团(Reuters Group PLC)模式的机构:通过这个机构,路透的理事将对新成立的汤姆森-路透集团的所有交易拥有否决权。这一安排还授予理事会其他的特权,未经其批准,任何股东的持股比例不能超过15%。作为汤姆森公司(Thomson Corp.)与路透交易条件的一部分,路透主编的任免都必须事先征求理事会的意见。知情人士表示,新闻集团与班氏家族的会议将在家族法律顾问Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz办公室内进行,会议将以半社交聚会半商务会谈的形式进行。会议计划的主要目的是让对默多克及其家族比较接纳的克里斯多夫•班克罗夫特(Christopher Bancroft)、莱斯利•希尔(Leslie Hill)和伊丽莎白•斯蒂尔(Elizabeth Steele)这三位班氏家族成员出席,他们三人同时也是道琼斯公司董事。道琼斯董事长彼得•麦克费尔森(M. Peter McPherson)、道琼斯公司董事迈克尔•埃莱凡特(Michael Elefante)和为道琼斯公司提供法律咨询的律师马丁•利普顿(Martin Lipton)也将陪同班克罗夫特家族参加会议。新闻集团方面还有首席财务长David DeVoe和首席法律顾问劳伦斯•雅各布(Lawrence Jacobs)。据知情人士透露,默多克主要将听取对方的意见,不会做太多表态。

为了给周一的会议做准备,埃莱凡特已于周四晚上和周五下午与班氏家族的道琼斯公司董事和道琼斯新闻业务代表进行了两次电话会议。这两次电话会议是应班氏家族的要求,为了解释如何最好地保护道琼斯公司的新闻公正性而进行的,道琼斯新闻部门代表参加了电话会议;其中包括执行总编鲍伟杰(Marcus Brauchli)、《华尔街日报》出版人戈登•格罗维茨(L. Gordon Crovitz)、《华尔街日报》记者保罗•吉戈特(Paul Gigot)、道琼斯公司旗下企业媒体集团(Enterprise Media Group)总裁克莱尔•哈特(Clare Hart)、道琼斯通讯社执行总编尼尔•李普修兹(Neal Lipschutz)、道琼斯公司旗下社区媒体集团(Community Media Group)总裁约翰•威尔科克斯(John Wilcox)。



Sarah Ellison / Dennis K. Berman


以下是班克罗夫特(Bancroft)家族就新闻集团(News Corp.)提议收购道琼斯公司(Dow Jones & Co. Inc.)一事所发声明的初稿,最终定稿会在道琼斯公司董事会会议后成形。




Bancrofts' Statement on Dow Jones Bid

Text of the statement by the Bancroft family on News Corp.'s bid for Dow Jones & Co.

BOSTON, May 31, 2007 -- Following a special meeting of the Board of Directors of Dow Jones & Company held at the request of the Bancroft Family directors to discuss matters related to the recent proposal by News Corporation to acquire the Company, the Family today issued the following statement:

"As we have been since 1902, the Bancroft Family remains resolute in its commitment to preserve and protect the editorial independence and integrity of The Wall Street Journal, as well as the leadership, strength and vitality of The Journal and all of the other publications and services of Dow Jones.

"Since first receiving the News Corporation proposal, the Family has carefully considered and discussed among ourselves and with our advisors how best to achieve that overarching objective, while serving the best interests of the Company's various constituencies.

"After a detailed review of the business of Dow Jones and the evolving competitive environment in which it operates, the Family has reached consensus that the mission of Dow Jones may be better accomplished in combination or collaboration with another organization, which may include News Corporation.

"Accordingly, the Family has advised the Company's Board that it intends to meet with News Corporation to determine whether, in the context of the current or any modified News Corporation proposal, it will be possible to ensure the level of commitment to editorial independence, integrity and journalistic freedom that is the hallmark of Dow Jones.

"The Family also indicated its receptivity to other options that might achieve the same overarching objective."

There can be no assurance that the dialogue with News Corporation or any other party will result in the negotiation, or the desire of Family members to pursue the negotiation, and execution of any agreement regarding the Company or in any transaction.

References herein to the Bancroft Family are to various individual Family members and trusts for the benefit of Family members. Ultimate voting and dispositive power with respect to the shares of the Company held or controlled by such individuals and trusts resides with those individuals and the trustees of the trusts.

Bancrofts Open Door

Bancrofts Open Door
To a Sale of Dow Jones

Controlling Family Says
It Will Meet Murdoch;
Shares Soar After Hours

Dow Jones & Co.'s 125-year history as an independent media company could be nearing an end.

The Bancroft family, which controls 64% of the company's voting power, said in a statement late yesterday that it would meet with Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. to discuss its $5 billion bid for Dow Jones, publisher of The Wall Street Journal. The family also said it would consider other bidders and options for the company.

In a statement after a meeting of Dow Jones's board, Michael B. Elefante, a Dow Jones director and representative of the Bancroft family, told directors: "After a detailed review of the business of Dow Jones and the evolving competitive environment in which it operates, the family has reached consensus that the mission of Dow Jones may be better accomplished in combination or collaboration with another organization, which may include News Corp."

[Dow Jones stock]

The move, coming a month after Mr. Murdoch's offer was publicly disclosed, opens the door to him as well as other possible suitors. Though the Bancrofts maintained the option not to sell, their new willingness to entertain a deal makes one far more likely.

Indeed, investors pushed Dow Jones stock up 12% in after-hours trading, suggesting they believe a deal is imminent, possibly at a price higher than the $60-a-share offer from News Corp. Dow Jones stock, which had risen 46 cents to $53.31 in 4 p.m. trading on the New York Stock Exchange, later surged $6.48 a share to $59.79.

The Bancroft family will meet News Corp. and Mr. Murdoch, its chairman and CEO, "to determine whether, in the context of the current or any modified News Corp. proposal, it will be possible to ensure the level of commitment to editorial independence, integrity and journalistic freedom that is the hallmark of Dow Jones," according to Mr. Elefante. He said the family also was receptive "to other options that might achieve the same overarching objectives."

A representative of the company's board will be present at those discussions. That paves the way for Dow Jones directors to play a more active role in shaping the future of the company -- and to determine which bidder, if any, the company would sell to. Yesterday, Dow Jones said its board, which previously has not taken a position on News Corp.'s bid, "has determined to consider strategic alternatives available to the company, including the News Corp. proposal."

A News Corp. spokesman said, "We're grateful to the Bancroft family for agreeing to our suggestion of a meeting and we look forward to it."

With a majority of voting shares opposing a deal, the Bancrofts had been at a standoff with Mr. Murdoch since his offer became public a month ago. Family members also had rejected Mr. Murdoch's offer to discuss the bid, which represented a 67% premium to Dow Jones's stock price before the offer became public.

But over the past several weeks, the roughly three dozen adult members of the Bancroft family have been in frequent contact to discuss possible alternatives. Some family members have become convinced that "the status quo" is no longer an option for Dow Jones, according to people familiar with their thinking.

The question of whether Dow Jones -- whose market capitalization has jumped to more than $4.5 billion since Mr. Murdoch's bid -- has enough scale to compete globally is fueled by recent upheaval in the news and financial-information industries, including the migration of news online and a broad decline in advertising and circulation in the newspaper industry. Besides the Journal, Dow Jones's properties include Dow Jones Newswires, online news site MarketWatch, Barron's and Factiva, an aggregator of news and information.

A particular concern is the planned $17.2 billion merger of Reuters Group PLC and Thomson Corp., which surfaced just days after Mr. Murdoch's offer for Dow Jones became public. That deal is expected to add competitive pressure on Dow Jones Newswires. Dow Jones executives have pressed the difficulties of remaining independent in discussions with members of the Bancroft family, according to people familiar with the matter.

By publicly declaring their willingness to do a deal, the family hopes to convey to potentially interested parties that they are willing to consider offers besides Mr. Murdoch's. No other bidders have surfaced publicly since the News Corp. bid was revealed. Some investment bankers say potential bidders were getting signals that the Bancrofts wouldn't sell the company to any party, or that they wouldn't entertain bids less than the hefty $60-a-share that Mr. Murdoch has offered.

The family said in its statement that it wanted to protect the editorial independence of the Journal and the strength of Dow Jones's other divisions. The family also said it isn't committing to a negotiation with Mr. Murdoch.

Still, some members of the family were confused about the implications of the statement, not quite realizing that they were effectively saying they were willing to explore a sale, according to people close to the board. As they were discussing the meaning of the statement at the board meeting, there was some debate about having it rephrased or even withdrawn, but just then, The Wall Street Journal posted a draft of the statement online. That ended the discussion, these people said.

Mr. Murdoch has repeatedly tried to assuage concerns -- including some expressed by members of the family -- that he would curb the Journal's editorial independence. In a May 11 letter to the Bancroft family, Mr. Murdoch said, that he was "first and foremost a newspaper man" and doesn't "apologize for the fact that I have always had strong opinions and strong ideas about newspapers; but I have also always respected the independence and integrity of the news organizations with which I am associated."

Mr. Murdoch also said he would provide added resources for Dow Jones, and was committed to beefing up the Journal's European and Asian operations and its Washington bureau. He indicated that he hoped the Dow Jones brand would help him promote a new Fox News Business Channel. He offered to establish "an independent, autonomous editorial board" and appoint a member of the Bancroft family to the News Corp. board.

News Corp. President Peter Chernin talks to Kara Swisher about the company's bid to buy Dow Jones.

Mr. Murdoch has shown a willingness to hold onto money-losing operations if they give him prestige or help him leverage his other businesses. At the same time, he has defended himself against critics who have said his media operations have pulled punches in China to help him gain government support for his businesses there.

In an interview Wednesday at the "D: All Things Digital conference" in Carlsbad, Calif., News Corp. President Peter Chernin said the "notion that we would somehow want to buy [the Journal] to change it is counterintuitive." He added: "We want to pay a premium because we believe it [the Journal] is the premier source of news and information in this specific aspect of this society and we believe the value of that is immeasurable." The conference is sponsored by The Wall Street Journal.

In his statement yesterday, Mr. Elefante said: "There can be no assurance that the dialogue with News Corporation or any other party will result in the negotiation, or the desire of family members to pursue the negotiation, and execution of any agreement," the statement said. The Bancrofts also stressed that the family members control the strings.

Still, the company's board now is likely to play a greater role. Generally, a board is obligated to at least listen to an incoming offer. But with the Bancrofts in control, the position of Dow Jones's board until yesterday had been that it would take no action on the offer given the family's opposition. After News Corp.'s bid became public, Dow Jones issued a statement saying it had been informed that votes representing 52% of the voting power of the company had rejected the bid.

News Corp. has said its offer would be cash or cash and stock. If the Dow Jones board decides to sell the company for cash instead of pursuing a strategic combination, it may enter what is called "Revlon mode" -- after a famous court decision -- which would essentially require the company, if the Bancrofts decide to sell, to take the highest bid on the table.

But if an offer for Dow Jones is partly stock, a company has more leeway. Delaware courts regard such deals as "strategic combinations" that may bring other matters into consideration. That gives the board latitude to extract concessions, for instance on the company's ongoing editorial independence.

[Rupert Murdoch]

Some specialists say the Dow Jones board is not required legally to recommend the highest offer, if its controlling shareholders oppose the idea.

"The law can't force the board to do something that is beyond their power," said Lawrence Hamermesh, a professor of business and law at Widener Law School in Wilmington, Del. As a result, he said, any study by the Dow Jones board of the company's options would have to take into consideration that the range of options is limited by the family's preferences.

But common shareholders likely will exert pressure on the company to push for the highest possible offer. "Is a great strategic alternative at $59.50 acceptable? Of course it is," said Brian C. Rogers, chairman and chief investment officer at T. Rowe Price, Dow Jones's largest outside shareholder, on Wednesday. "There are ways you can come up with a great plan B, and there are some lousy ways."

The premium offered by Mr. Murdoch has served to fend off other publicly listed suitors, which may have a hard time explaining the price to shareholders. General Electric Co. and Pearson PLC, publisher of the Financial Times, are considered possibilities; previously GE Chairman Jeffrey Immelt has said he wasn't interested, while Pearson has declined to comment. Privately held firms, such as Hearst Corp. and Advance Publications Inc., may be more willing to take the plunge, though neither has expressed interest. Both companies declined to comment.

Additionally, some family members have discussed selling a minority stake in the company to an investor, who might use that stake as part of a larger takeover in the future, said people familiar with the matter.

There also is the possibility that the family and an outside party could team up to make an offer for the entire company, with the family rolling over its stake and therefore reducing the final buyout price for a buyer with whom it felt more comfortable.

Dow Jones was founded by Charles Henry Dow, Edward Davis Jones and Charles Milford Bergstresser in 1882 and produced daily handwritten news bulletins called "flimsies" delivered by messenger to subscribers in the Wall Street area. The Bancroft family is descended from Jessie Waldron, the wife of Clarence Barron, who bought Dow Jones for $130,000 in 1902, largely with his wife's money. The couple passed their shares on to Jessie Waldron's two daughters; eventually the shares were transferred to a set of trusts.

Write to Sarah Ellison at sarah.ellison@wsj.com, Dennis K. Berman at dennis.berman@wsj.com and Susan Pulliam at susan.pulliam@wsj.com




Wall Street Journal China bureau to Murdoch: stay away!

Only Danwei loves you Rupe
Rupert Murdoch's recent $5 billion bid to buy Dow Jones is causing some discomfort at the China bureau of that company's subsidiary The Wall Street Journal. The American muckraking blog Talking Points Memo has the scoop:
The paper's China-based reporters -- whose coverage won a Pulitzer this year -- have now sent a powerful letter to three key members of the Bancroft family, the Dow Jones Company's controlling shareholder. The letter -- to family members Leslie Hill, Elizabeth Steele and Christopher Bancroft, and to trustee Michael Elefante, all of whom are on Dow Jones' board -- warns that Murdoch could use the Journal as a tool to advance his business interests in China.

Danwei has verified that the letter is genuine. You can read the whole thing at the bottom of this article.

In other Murdoch - Dow Jones news, the editor of The Times of London (owned by News Corp) has defended his newspaper's China coverage as a rebuttal to Dow Jones shareholder James H. Ottaway Jr. who criticized News Corp.'s coverage of the Middle Kingdom. The letter is reproduced on the Wall Street Journal's website here, with a short article about it here.

Other relevant articles:
• Nieman Watchdog: Wall Street Journal reporter Ian Johnson on why the Bancrofts should turn down Murdoch
• Slate: Eight More Reasons To Distrust Murdoch
• Danwei: Aussie newspaper kills story about Rupert Murdoch's wife

The letter from the Journal's China bureau is below:

May 10, 2007

We are correspondents who report from China for The Wall Street Journal, and we are writing to urge you to stand by the Bancroft family's courageous and principled decision to reject News Corp.’s offer to acquire Dow Jones & Co.

There are only a handful of news organizations anywhere with the resources and the integrity to pursue the truth in matters of national and even global importance. Thanks to your family’s committed stewardship, the Journal is at the head of this dwindling group.

Our China team won the Pulitzer Prize for international reporting this year for a series of stories detailing the consequences of China‘s unbridled pursuit of capitalism – for China and for the rest of the world. Many of those stories shed an unflattering light on the government and business interests.

The prize is a reflection of the Journal’s substantial investment in covering what is perhaps the biggest economic, business and political story of our time: how China‘s embrace of markets and its growing global role are reshaping the world we live in. It is an important example of the coverage that we fear would suffer if News Corp. takes control.

News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch has a well-documented history of making editorial decisions in order to advance his business interests in China and, indeed, of sacrificing journalistic integrity to satisfy personal or political aims.

Mr. Murdoch’s approach is completely at odds with that taken by your own family, whose unwavering support of ethical journalism has made the Journal the trusted news source it is. It is fair to ask how News Corp. would change the Journal’s coverage.

In 2001, for example, our colleague Ian Johnson shared the Pulitzer for international reporting for his articles about the Chinese government’s sometimes brutal suppression of the Falun Gong spiritual movement.

Under Mr. Murdoch, these articles might never have seen the light of day. That year, Mr. Murdoch’s son, James, the CEO of British Sky Broadcasting, delivered a speech in California echoing the line of the Chinese government in terming Falun Gong a “dangerous” and “apocalyptic cult,” which “clearly does not have the success of China at heart.”

Newspaper accounts of the speech say that James Murdoch criticized the Western media for negative coverage of human-rights issues in China, concluding that "these destabilizing forces today are very, very dangerous for the Chinese government.”

We believe that it is important for all of us – from reporters and editors to you, the owners of the company – to keep constantly in mind the fact that the Journal is an institution that plays a critical role in civic life. We take pride in knowing that Journal readers trust us to uphold these principles, even in the face of risks.

Your family established and is now entrusted with a unique and important institution. Safeguarding it is a responsibility that you have fulfilled admirably for decades. Yours is the kind of stewardship journalists on the ground in China will require in the years to come if they are to accurately frame one of the world’s most critical news stories. We have enormous respect for your continued willingness to defend the journalistic standards so important to all of us.


Gordon Fairclough
Mei F. Fong
James T. Areddy
Shai Oster
Jane Spencer
Andrew Batson
Jason S.L. Leow